Thursday, February 25, 2016

The Trump Card

These days, we are inundated with political commentary from all places – on the news, on social media, and even around the dinner table. There’s lots of chatter about Donald Trump and why he’s being successful. What makes Donald Trump so appealing to so many people? He has skillfully created himself as a brand and applied it to the political process. On some level, he has taken what he knows about the basic instincts of human nature and takes advantage of it to capture voters.

This branding focuses in two areas – our desire to win, and our fears. He recognizes that people believe in the concept of winners and losers, knowing that everyone rallies around the winners and silently cheer when the perceived adversary loses. He repeatedly talks about how he is going to make us a country of winners again.

He capitalizes on our fears – we will build a wall along our Mexican border to prevent people from entering our country illegally and take our jobs. He makes implausible statements, like “we will not allow Muslims into this country”, to a nation that was founded on religious freedom. This strikes at our fear of terrorism. And, he constantly threatens our ability to earning a living by telling us that China is stealing our economy.

He doesn’t give political specifics as to how he is going to accomplish the bold things he says he will do, but says so with such conviction that people believe him. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. Really? 

Can he win the nomination for president? Only time will tell, but so far, he’s winning all the Republican caucuses and primaries. Obviously, his brand strategy is paying off and he’s holding all the high trump cards.

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