Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Get Ready to Vote…It’s Your American Right!

By the time November, 2016 rolls around, we will be incredibly tired of hearing about the candidates who are running for President of the United States. Already, the media is overdoing coverage of the candidates and analyzing who is serious about running, who is a fly by night candidate and who is not in the race that should be in the race. 

What we have to remember is that we are incredibly blessed to be able to be a part of the process just like our forefathers designed. We are allowed to cast our vote to determine who our nation’s leader will be. In fact, the candidates do everything they can to get voters out to cast a ballot on election-day. America is not like other countries – we do not have to face danger to get to the place we vote; we are not threatened if we do not vote for a particular candidate; and, we are allowed to vote.

Additionally, once the election has come and gone, there is no violence as one leadership team leaves office and another takes over.  It’s a smooth transition forward.

It’s important that we vote and have our voice heard. It’s one of our freedoms as Americans.

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